The official website of the Vanuatu Department of Immigration and Passport Services

Department of Immigration
& Passport Services

Website User Manual for WordPress Elementor

Overview of the Website

The website, powered by WordPress with Elementor, is a user-friendly platform allowing easy customization and management of content without extensive coding knowledge.

Purpose of the User Manual

This manual aims to empower users to update and customize their content efficiently by providing detailed step-by-step instructions.

Logging In

Website URL:

Open your preferred web browser and enter the website URL (e.g., “”).

Login Instructions:

  1. Append “/wp-admin” to the URL (e.g., “”).
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. Click the “Login” button to access the WordPress dashboard.

Dashboard Overview

Dashboard Sections:
The WordPress dashboard is organized into various sections.
Locate the “Pages” section for individual page editing and the “Templates” section for global design changes.

Editing Text

Locate and Select Text:

  1. Navigate to “Pages” in the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on the page you want to edit.
  3. Inside the Elementor editor, hover over the text you wish to modify and click to select it.

Use the Text Editor Toolbar:

  1. The inline text editor toolbar will appear.
  2. Format text by making selections from the toolbar (bold, italicize, add links).
  3. Save changes by clicking the green “Update/Publish” button.

Adding New Images

Navigate to Image Section:

  1. Inside the Elementor editor, locate the section where you want to add an image.
  2. Click the “+” icon to add a new widget and select “Image.”

Guidelines for Image Format and Size:

  1. Optimize images using external tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim before uploading.
  2. Recommended image formats include JPEG and PNG.
  3. Keep image sizes reasonable for optimal website performance.

Compressing Images before Uploading

Recommend Image Compression Tools:

  1. Suggest tools like for image compression.

Instructions on Using the Tools:

  1. Visit the compression tool’s website.
  2. Upload images, let the tool compress them, and download the optimized versions.
  3. Replace existing images in Elementor with the compressed versions.

Changing Text Colors

Access Text Styling Options:

  1. Inside the Elementor editor, click on the text element you want to modify.
  2. Navigate to the “Style” tab on the left panel.
  3. Choose Text Color:
  4. Use the color picker in the “Typography” section to select the desired text color.
  5. Save changes by clicking “Update.”


Changing Background Colors

Navigate to Background Settings:

  1. Click on the section you want to modify.
  2. Navigate to the “Style” tab, then find and adjust the “Background” settings.
  3. Select the Desired Color:
  4. Use the color picker or enter a custom color code.
  5. Save changes to update the background color.


In essence, the tools provided within the WordPress Elementor platform simplify the process of managing our website content. With the ability to effortlessly edit text, incorporate captivating images, and customize colors, this platform meets our needs for making straightforward yet impactful changes. It empowers our team to maintain an engaging and visually appealing online presence with ease. As we continue to evolve, rest assured that these simple yet effective features will play a crucial role in keeping our website content fresh and vibrant. Thank you for embracing the power of simplicity in managing and enhancing our digital identity.